Traditional Massage Treatments

restore | relax | heal

Incorporating different massage techniques such as gentle kneading, varying depths of friction, and long strokes, traditional massage loosens muscle tension and increases circulation while offering a time to simply let go and indulge in a calming, restorative sensory experience. 

SOMA is different than spas in Bozeman, or across the country. While a massage treatment with us can be a very relaxing experience, we practice a more integrative approach, rooted in focusing on overall healing more than in-the-moment tranquility.

SOMA Traditional Massage Treatments

Swedish Massage
Relaxation | Full-Body | Rejuvenate

The term Swedish massage describes a system of massage developed approximately 100 years ago. It involves a classic set of techniques including stretching and compression that are designed to increase circulation, mobilize scar and connective tissue and induce relaxation in the parasympathetic nervous system. Many other modalities have evolved from traditional Swedish techniques and often incorporate them to achieve a relaxing and therapeutic session.

Results from Swedish massage include increased flexibility and a renewed positive outlook on your day. You can expect to feel relaxed and rejuvenated; you may also feel warm, fluid, and more open in joints and tendons. Swedish massage uses oil or lotion.

Deep Tissue Massage
Tension Release | Deep Pressure | Region Specific

Deep Tissue massage is similar to Swedish massage but involves a deeper application of pressure. Please note that depth is subjective — we prefer working at a depth that is appropriate for the specific tissue on which we are working. Aso, what is deep for one client may feel superficial to another. Deep tissue massage can help improve circulation, decrease aches, pains, discomfort, enhance range of motion, and limit inflammation. It has also been shown to lower blood pressure after just one sesion.

“Nicole Kay keeps me moving comfortably in my daily life. She has helped me through ordinary soreness and overuse issues to more difficult and complicated injuries. I always feel better and lighter when I leave her office.” 

— Helen McCarty