Sports Massage Treatments

specialized TECHNIQUE | recovery | performance

Sports massage benefits athletes throughout training, before and after competition or hard efforts, or in recovery mode. Our Bozeman sports massage treatments support performance, decrease recovery time, aid the healing process and help prevent injuries.

Available Sports Massage Treatments:

Orthopedic Massage
Soft Tissue Rehabilitation | Range of Motion | Joint Function

Orthopedic Massage is a manual type of massage therapy focused on the treatment and prevention of musculoskeletal dysfunction, injury, and pain. OM is also used to increase range of motion, limit pain, and support restoration of normal body movement and function. This technique can help speed an athlete's recovery from an event or competition, and decrease post-exercise muscle soreness.

MAT - Muscle Activation Technique
Assess & Corrects Muscular Imbalances

Over time, stress, trauma, or overuse can cause inflammation in the body. This inflammation results in a less efficient muscular system, and diminished neuromuscular function. The communication between the nervous system and the muscular system can break down over time, and these impaired pathways can lead to altered mechanics or compensation, triggering symptoms relating to muscle tightness, pain, and many of the physical complaints we associate with aging. This can cause progressive weakness, increasing susceptibility to pain, injury, and long-term degenerative changes.

MAT® is designed to re-establish the communication pathways between the nervous system and the muscular system in order to restore muscle contractile capabilities. Through range of motion testing and manual muscle testing, we are able to identify muscle weaknesses. We use a muscle-specific palpation technique designed to improve contractile capabilities and follow it up with a position-specific isometric contraction to improve motor output from the central nervous system back out to the muscles. With MAT®, the muscles will experience fewer protective tendencies, therefore providing the body with a greater a sense of stability, which in turn increases the body’s mobility. This technique is performed on top of the massage table with the client wearing athletic gear.

Muscle Release Technique™
Gliding Pressure | Muscle Elongation

Muscle Release Technique™ or MRT™ has an extremely simple concept: the application of gliding pressure to a muscle, while taking the muscle through a passive, rhythmic stretch. MRT effectively and safely creates elongation of affected muscle tissue, thereby restoring normal, pain-free function.

Muscle Energy Techniques
Isometric Contraction + Relaxation

Post Isometric Relaxation (PIR) and Reciprocal Inhibition (RI) are two commonly used forms of MET. The former term describes the effect of subsequent muscle relaxation, after brief periods during which an isometric contraction has been performed. The latter term refers to the isometric contraction of an antagonist muscle, in order to achieve a degree of ease in the shortened agonist muscle group.

“As a formerly competitive athlete, and now a recreational athlete and mother of two, I have experienced many setbacks and injuries over the years. Nicole's diverse and well-honed skill set has gotten me from limping and in pain, to back in the saddle or on my feet again, on a number of occasions. Her work is specific and targeted, while also being deeply therapeutic and calming. Not only does she WANT to see her clients improve, she has the skill and experience to make it happen.”

— Lara Schultz